jay rechsteiner

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Franzueli 'Schlössli' Rechsteiner

a collection of images, films and audio recordings of/about my father, the Swiss artist Franzueli Rechsteiner who passed away on the 25th of February 2015.

The artist Franzueli Rechsteiner worked and lived in a small village in Jura, Switzerland.

Franzueli Rechsteiner (05.08.1949 - 25.02.2015) AKA Schloessli AKA SUR invites the viewer to travel at ease into his world away from the busy cities and towns, into a world that seems to gain its creative powers and beauty from the soil, the sun, the colour of the sky, the organic & wild structure of the woods. Franzueli Rechsteiner's interest is vast and embraces a variety of themes, materials and styles. In his work he is very material conscious and likes to challenge the element of accident. His work expresses in a fresh, energetic and vivid way religious, political and cultural ideas, questioning the very essence of his existence.

For more of his work: https://franzuelirechsteiner.weebly.com/



Franzueli Schlössli Rechsteiner



A thousand lives - beyond the form

open house in Lugnez and exhibition in Boncourt



I have decided not to edit the footage too much in order to keep as much of the filmed material as possible. As Schloessli is not an 'edited' personality I have decided to keep it as natural as possible.

Introduction to the Artist Franzueli Rechsteiner

The Making of the Chocolate Bunny that likes to watch Steven Segal movies



Land Art - Interview on a toilet and a bit of throat singing

Franzueli Rechsteiner in Action! The Proces of Making Art (raw footage, not much edited)


Franzueli Rechsteiner - This is Me


The archive of a thousand lives

The archive of 1000 lives is a growing installation/construction that displays various objects and items by Franzueli Rechsteiner (1949 - 2015). It is constantly growing and changing as objects/items will be added and removed during the course of a yet unknown length of time.






Copyright © 2015, Jay Rechsteiner. All Rights Reserved.